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tv   Mornings on 2  FOX  February 8, 2013 7:00am-9:00am PST

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stay with us we'll be right back.
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123450 the search for the fired los angeles police officer that is now expanded far beyond california. >> the northeast united states getting ready for what looks like a history making snowstorm. the areas that may get three feet of snow. >> and we are live at sfo tracking flight delays and canceled flights because of that big storm in the northeast. >> hold on before you leave the house if you want to get to san francisco. you may want to rethink using the bay bridge. an injury accident is causing major delays. >> complete bay area news coverage starts right now. this is ktvu. >> welcome to mornings on two. >> it's friday, february 8th. topping the news the big bear resort area in southern california is now under emergency lockdown. law still cannot find a former los angeles police officer
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accused of a deadly rampage. christopher dorner is suspected of killing a young couple and a police officer in riverside county. a young couple and the police officer were both killed a few days ago. the manhunt for dorner now covers three states including southern california and into mexico. there is new word of search crews also targeting an area along the san diego coast. we are in the newsroom following the trail of the accused killer. >> reporter: the latest is that county deputies continue to search a lake side home early this morning after a reported sighting of dorner but they now live that was a hoax. they are finding no sign of the man. the now started falling in big bear and that and the rugged terrain could provide dorner with cover but it may
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also help law enforcement as they look for tracks in the snow. more than a hub hundred officers are searching for the 33-year-old former lapd officer who is considered armed and dangerous. the police chief said that schools and businesses closed during lockdown would reopen this morning but according to the school district website that is not the case, schools are still shut down and we have contacted ski area resort who are in stand by mode. >> this is a dynamic situation. we are working closely with the authorities and we will update the status of the operation as they release more information. >> reporter: now dornr's burned out truck was found on a forest road. they will look for tracks similar to the ones that led away from the vehicle and they will use dog units to try it track the man. >> the search continues for dorner. they still have aerial searches, ground searches and door to door searches going on. >> the entire state of california is under a tactical
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alert and the search has extended to arizona, mexico and nevada where he owns a home. a naval base was in lockdown when someone saw someone who looked like dorner. we also want you to update you on the police officer shot by dorner. it's a miracle he survived though he is still in critical condition. live from the newsroom. >> thank you and los angeles police say they mistook a 71- year-old woman for dorner. she is in intensive care after being shot. her 47-year-old daughter was also cut by glass. they were in a pick up similar to dorner's but the attorney said the truck isn't the same color or model. >> travelers nationwide are watching a big winter storm that's targeting the
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northeasto. several feet of snow is expected and already a lot of flights are delayed or canceled. tara is live at sfo to tell us how bay area travelers are affected. >> reporter: good morning. there is -- here is a live look at sfo. it seems every hour we have been out all morning long we have seen new canceled flights or delays as a result the storm in the northeast. here is a look at terminal 2. a number of cancelled flights here, mainly to and from the new york and boston areas. philadelphia is also seeing delays. we shot to a number of travelers who have been trying to get to the northeast. they are doing all they can to avoid travel headaches. >> i took an earlier flight just to make sure it wouldn't later in the day but i have a direct flight to dallas and so far it looks great. i have a lot of peers work that are affect that have to stay in san francisco for boston. >> i was supposed to fly into jfk today about 3:00.
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that was canceled. that was bumped to tomorrow, that was canceled. i had to book another ticket to get to washington and rent a car and try to drive. >> reporter: right now sfo is reporting 57 flights canceled, most of them are departures, oakland's airport is showing one canceled flight, a red eye to new york. san jose is not reporting any cancelled flights yet but the duty manager expects there will be some especially for flights to and from new york. we will continue checking with all three bay area airports for you and let you know as things change throughout the morning. we are live at sfo. >> thank you. it's 7:05. we want to check in with sal and see what's happening on the bay bridge. >> just getting my ducks in a row. news chopper 2 has arrived on the scene. showing this crash. we found out more about crash. a big rig was apparently driving on the bridge, spilled
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debris, then the motorcycle rider went down. you can -- the two lanes are blocked here. medics on the scene you can see you traffic coming out of the bridge. on the bridge is at a stand still. traffic is backed up as we look at just a huge mess. this is the day when you can avoid the bay bridge with your car, even carpool lane. it's not going to help you because once you get onto the bridge you are stuck in traffic. look at this, look at the carpool lane. this is the day when you can't use the bay bridge and stay on schedule. i want to mention the alternate route is the san mateo bridge. that's not that bad. you can do down, little bit of slow traffic on 101. i want to mention our friends in the santa clara valley. northbound 280 at 7th. multicar crash blocking several lanes, if you want to get into
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san jose stay on 101 or use 85, don't use 280 from 101, it's a mess. it's a messy drive on a friday. let's go to steve. >> also raining in san jose. we are seeing our system go, partly cloudy, cool and breezy today. temperatures though really going to struggle but after today it looks good. coldest area round the noon hour. it's a cold rain san jose at 42, 30s for many, 40s and temperatures here, the system moving south. it's still the wrap around. could give us scattered showers, then maybe going along the 680 corridor. scattered showers, most of them south. it won't be that warm. tonight clearing and cold and we will get more of a north wind. the system is moving -- there is a lot of rain north carolina. that is all moving north.
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my friend though just wrote me and said rain, snow has turned to rain in new york city so the snow line may be moving north. there is some of that rain. san jose, campbell, some of that though looks to be drive english back toward parts -- loss gatos, saratoga and the santa clara valley, back toward santa cruz and toward monterey. 50s on the temperatures today. 52, 53, i kept -- when i do my own temperatures i kept getting those. santa rosa may be a little warmer. next week very quiet. not quiet back east. they are on wall to wall coverage and boston looks to be -- boston north really, new hampshire, rhode island up to maine look to be the main areas to get hit by this system that will develop today and into the
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weekend. tor i i believe is live in boston. >> reporter: there is a lot of an advertise about this storm. this will be an epic event. the snow has started, it's windy, bitterly cold and throughout the day the snow will pick up and then the overnight at some point it'll be to the point where it's about two to three inches an hour, reaching about two feet. the earlier you arrived at the airport friday morning the better chances your flight was on time rather than canceled. >> i was really tired but i would rather get out on time and safely. >> reporter: passengers lining up at northeast airports hoping to get out of town before a monster blizzard gets in. in new york the mayor is optimistic the city can handle whatever comes its wait a minute. >> having it happen overnight friday into saturday is probably as good timing as we
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could have. >> reporter: from new jersey to maine thousands of pieces of equipment are standing by. >> we are watching as the frigid cold temperatures and the driving winds and the light weight snow going back into the road. we have a real prolonged fight. >> stay off the streets, stay home. >> reporter: earlier this week the area markedthe 35th anniversary of the blizzard of 1978. forecasters say there are some similarities between that beast and what is brewing today the outcome will not be as dramatic. >> the 78 blizzard stalled for quite a while. this storm looks like it may stall but instead of stalling for two to three day it may be 12 to 24 hours. >> reporter: there is been a run on supplies. >> have to prepare. >> reporter: now with fridges stocked and shovels at the ready everybody is being told to go home, hunker down and
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ride it out. that is the best advice because travel has also become a nightmare. more than 3,000 flights have been canceled, at 3:30 earn public transportation stopped, the governor has told people to stay off the roads because it could be a very dangerous situation for people. >> all right. thank you. nice shot from boston. >> all right. it's 7:11, not giving up. what the texas governor is doing this weekend to follow up on his ads trying to lure california businesses to the lone star state. >> somebody asked how did it compare and i said i know how to do diplomacy. not sure about the golf course. >> she is good. talking talking about a round of golf and here what bill murray had to say about her demeanor.
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. we have late information on the bay bridge, the accident just cleared off the span. it was a motorcycle crash, news chopper 2 is watching off the air here. this accident is now gone. chp just updated their sig alert, they canceled it but major delays remain. you can see news chopper 2 showing us the traffic still has to unwind on this bridge and it'll be tough at the toll plaza. wonder if the guys can bring up the toll plaza. i want to show everybody what we are dealing with here at the toll plaza. even the carpool lane is at a stand still. we have a terrible delay. we will are more on this coming up. >> thank you. a new review of every grave in a national cemetery system found hundreds of problems.
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the review by the department of veterans affairs found bodies in the wrong spots, nearly 800 other problems also, mostly unmarked or miss marked graves. most of the problems happened when head stones and markers were temporarily removed and cleaned. the va said it's correcting the errors and has new policies in place to prevent problems in the future. veterans are continuing to face long waits to receive benefits. last year the department set a goal of veterans waiting no more than four months for an answer on compensation claims but a new analysis shows the number of veterans waiting longer than four months has increased since then. a spokesman for the va now says the agency is expecting to decrease the wait time by next year. >> will the cabinet shuffle goes on for the president's second term.
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later today the president will be among those honoring out going defense secretary at a farewell ceremony. before he leaves he had something to say about looming budget cuts. >> reporter: as the defense secretary begins his last day of work it comes with a warning about mandatory government cuts that could becoming. he said that the congress and the white house can't agree on a budget by march first he said that government spending could -- cuts could cost the military $46 billion this year alone. he said that army training, air force flying hours and global naval operations will fall. >> we will furlough as many as 800,000dod civilians around the country for up to 22 days. >> reporter: in a separate hearing john brennan talking about being the next cia director.
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what he said during confirmation hearings about waterboarding and drones when i see you next. >> all right. at his farewell ceremony the defense secretary will be honored for his many years of public service. he said he looks forward to returning to monterey. the president nominated chuck hagel to replace him but that nomination hasn't been voted on yet by the senate. there is new concerns about the safety of the united states federal reserve. the fed now confirms it was attacked by the hacker group information on super bowl sunday. they claim the attack was possible because of what it called a temporary weakness. private information about thousands of bank executives was stolen and posted on the internet. the fed said no critical federal reserve functions were
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affected. >> a gas thief is reportedly been targeting school district vehicles in santa rosa. here is surveillance video of the suspect driving a white suv in the district lot on bridgeway avenue. santa rosa city school officials say that they think the same man is drained up to $700 of gas from the tanks of district vehicles. the thefts date back at least four months. the suspect has been tough to catch because his license plate is not visible on the security footage. place in fairfield are looking for the man they think it duct taped and robbed a school janitor in order to steal i-pads. it happened wednesday night at a continuation high school. 40 i-pads were taken. police say the machine who were armed ordered the janitor to the ground and then duct taped him to a desk. police say this is not the first time the school has been targeted for its i-pads, its been robbed three other times in the past four months.
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>> a man charged with vandalizing a bus during the giant's world series celebration will be back in court. he is a accused of smashing the wind shield of the beautiful bus. the vandalism cost a million dollars. police made several arrests but they are still looking for more people who may have been involved. several thousand students have signed up to help test a free muni pass program. the 16 month test starts at the beginning of next month. it'll give free passes to low income san francisco students who were younger than 18. they say it wants to see how many students use the passes and which transit lines the most affected. >> texas governor rick perry is coming to california now to try to convince local businesses to move to texas. the visit kicks off on sunday and will have stops in silicon
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valley, san francisco and los angeles. this follows a radio campaign launched earlier this week in which the governor said that texas is a better state to do business. the ad he criticizes california's income and sales tax and touts the fact that texas has no personal state income tax. in just about 40 minutes the day two of the at&t classic. there are many familiar faces, a former secretary of state, she started playing golf just five-years ago when she was midway through her ten europe as secretary of state. she is one of ten women in the field and one of her drives hit a person watching. >> i said i know how to do diplomacy, not sure about the golf course. >> think she will be happier playing golf than the job she
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had. to much pressure, got to relax playing golf. i don't think you can being the secretary of state. >> they shared the lead after round one. russell knox is at six under par, phil mickelson opened with a 69 at monterey peninsula. >> so beautiful out there. >> right there. yep. >> our weather, scattered showers this morning, look out the window. that's a beautiful sky. we like that. steve paulson is coming back. he has the weekend forecast. >> also it's a story you will only see here. fines for people who break the rules on spare the air days. . >> good morning, if you are driving on the bay bridge right now the traffic on the span is good but getting there is a completely different story. we will tell you what happened.
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the air management facility cracking down on if you use a fireplace on a spare the air day. smoke inspectors, follow up on complaints, they find the violaters on their one, then they document what they say with photographs and notes. they know a lot of people don't like the rules but others appreciate the reasons behind them. >> i started a fire once and then i checked it and i immediately put it out. so i do -- i'm very conscious. >> a first time violater pays a 100-dollar fine. that goes up to $500 for the next violation. the district said that this is more about just educating people act the dangers of wood smoke than trying to collect a lot of money. more details now, air quality officials say how many violations they have handed out per county during the 2011 to 2012 season.
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sonoma had the most by a wide margin. 108. contra costa was number two, napa had 51. >> want to check in with salas -- taking a look i presume at the bay bridge and the toll plaza still backed up. >> it is. we are trying to look at your drive into san francisco. the earlier crash is gone but those carpool lanes are barely moving. usually even those -- you can count on that drive being good but not right now as it takes a while for the traffic to unwind off the upper deck. the san mateo bridge could be an alternate. 880 is not bad. then to haywood just a little bit of slow traffic. this morning it takes sense. >> thank you. our system is pushing south.
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still leading some rain. it's a cold rain. we have partly sunny, party cloudy skies, most of the rain sending. if you are heading toward monterey i would bundle up. there could be scattered showers as well. 31 in santa rosa. it'll be very cold. still some toward santa clara also toward monterey though looks like in between systems right now. 50e on the temperatures, cool, breezy day, look for the wind to crank up on saturday. if you are going toward utah or arizona this system will settle in on sunday. it could be active weather over the weekend. >> all right.
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thank you. it's 7:26. weather could play a maimingor falk into if -- factor into if police can track down a suspected killer. on the trail of christopher dorner. >> we are live where a wanted man who escaped from police is now back in custody. how the capture happened. >> and we are live in san pablo where we have new video of an armed robbery attempt. mom, i invited justin over for lunch.
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good. no, not good. he's a vegetarian and he's going to be here in 20 minutes! [ mom ] don't stress. we can figure this out. ♪ [ male announcer ] get the speed to make a great first impression. call today to get u-verse high speed internet for as little as $14.95 a month for 12 months with a one-year price guarantee. this is delicious. ♪ [ male announcer ] save the day in an instant. at&t. ♪
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. more unthe search for christopher dorner. there will be a police news conference at nine this morning. southern california remains on edge. we are live where detectives have been investigating leads that they ended up going nowhere. >> reporter: that is the bottom line of course. this building itself in downtown los angeles are mains under -- remains under guard. police are patrolling it. they remain on tactical alert meaning no officers go home. everybody stays on duty until this situation is under control. as for the suspect the focus of the search has been on the big
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year area. that's where his burning pick up was found yesterday morning and the search continued overnight involving more than a hundred peace officers from all over southern california. it's snowing now. the conditions aren't good. it's not known if he is still in the area given his background as a police officer, as a naval officer he is highley trained, familiar with law enforcement techniques, same with the mitt. he is of course presumed to have several weapons. where he is and what his next move is, those are the two big questions. >> i assume they are not releasing the identity of enough the victims, especially the police officers for the sake of their family right? >> reporter: right. yesterday the police chief who is a former lapd deputy chief
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requested every complying and not releasing the name of the officer who was killed or the officer who was wounded because of course the concern is for the families and that they are at risk. >> reporting live at a patrolled police headquarters. dorner posted a manifesto, you can find it on the website and stay tuned for updates. >> update on san jose, an escapee has been rearrested after more than a day on the run. we just received a booking photograph of the suspect. >> we are trying to get a little more information from police about how this arrest happened. what we do know is that police caught up with anthony sanchez
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late last night. he was driving a stolen pickup truck. that arrest happened at 11:30 last night. here is a new video of a mug shot taken early this morning of the 32-year-old. police have been searching since wednesday afternoon. sanchez was able to slip his handcuffs from behind his back to the front and then he jumped into the driver seat of an unmarked police van. he then drove away in that police fan which was later found near renato hours later. police sources say that sometime wednesday or thursday he was later spotted in a red toyota tacoma that was stolen in a 7-11 parking lot and then officers finally caught him driving that stolen truck near mount castle late last night in san jose. we are not sure if he went
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quietly but he was finally booked in to the county jail at 3:30 this morning. he was arrested for burglary, vehicle theft, escape, possession of a controlled substance and on the two arrest warrants, we are trying to get an interview with the police spokesperson. we haven't heard back from him yet but when we have the update we will give that information. reporting live from san jose. ktvu channel 2news. >> also this word officials spotted a man who walked away from the lake county jail. he was seen on the back of a motorcycle wednesday afternoon in clear lake. deputies couldn't catch him because the dirt bike he was on was able to go places police cars couldn't get to. that cycle driver hasn't been identified. >> happening now, san jose police are investigating the death of a woman who may have fallen to her death from a downtown condo. it happened at the city heights
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complex on west james street around three this morning after arriving on the scene. police say they found the body of a 24-year-old woman on the ground. they say she somehow fell off an 11 floor balcony. police say there are no signs of foul play. police in san pablo are asking for your help in their search for two dangerous armed robbers. they want everybody to take a close look at a surveillance tape obtained by ktvu news. we are live to tell you more about the men on this tape. good morning. >> reporter: good morning. police say the men in the tape as well as from a previous robbery in late january, they are just getting more brazen and violent in interest robbery attempts and they hope to get them off the street. let's go to the surveillance video. you can see there -- the robbers violently telling the clerk and an employee to get down on the ground. the robbers took about two
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thousand dollars in cash and several boxes of cigarettes at a convenience store called the farmer's market late wednday. police say they are looking for two asian males wearing dark clothing they took off in a black suv. >> up here on the left you can see the suspects are entering the business and the subject here in the hat and dark clothing has a firearm. he is tell upping the employ -- telling the employees that it's a robbery and he is making demands. >> reporter: and this was more than just a robbery attempt. police say one of the robbers ordered an employee and a customer to the ground and then shot them in the leg. the farmer's market is the second location targeted, the other incident happened on january 27th at a gas station on el portal drive. in that incident three men stormed in to the station, ordered an employee to the floor while the other two took cash and cigarettes. they also took off in a black
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suv. police say that's the mo for both robberies, still not confirmed if they are connected but they say the mo is that both, groups of men came in, stormed, told employees to get on the ground, they took large amounts of cash and a lot of cigarettes. as for the victims in this recent case they were taken to a local hospital but are expected to be okay. we are live in san pablo. >> thank you. san francisco's muni is warning people about a big increase in stolen electronics from passengers. between october and december those thefts were up 83%. last year almost four hundred cell phones were stolen from passengers at or near muni stops. also half of all the robberies in the city of san francisco last year involved some kind of electronic device. a lot of apple products particularly being targeted and
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-- it's easy tore make targeted. >> we have major problems around the bay bridge. have you fixed it yet? >> we are trying to but it'll take a while for this to unwind. i want to show you the toll plaza area. now the carpool lanes are back up to working well. the reason they are is because the traffic on the bridge has been cleared out. the first thing they do after a big crash is clear out the bridge so that the bridge can function and then you have the big delay at the toll plaza unless you are in the carpool lane, then it's back to normal. the only problem is getting to the carpool lane, still going to be very crowded so keep that in mind. move along to the other routes you can use and that's the san mateo bridge driving through, over to the pen slashings going to be moderately heavy, not a bad alternate. san jose northbound 280 traffic
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looks good. we had an earlier crash near 101, little bit of wet weather. let's go to steve right now. >> there has been. a cold rain down there. couple people checking in. john; san jose, looks like things are starting to push south and some breaks but it's going to be a cool breezy day. there goes the system now. a couple, watch upstream. here they come. have to watch this for lake county, napa and sometimes can skirt along the 680 corridor. i have seen that before. most of it is now heading south fast. 31 santa rosa, 30 for a lot -- temperatures will be dropping here tonight, really drop, sunday looks to be the coldest because the wind will die down. couple storm systems, lot of snow in detroit, school closures l one system merging with a wet system, coming together for the northeast. differences on snow totals and projections, most seems to be boston north where it started to snow.
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new york has gone from snow to rain so there is a mix there. for us some snow around 2,000 feet. most of it though in the higher elevations is starting to head out and now looks to the west of san martin and morgan hill. over toward monterey some off and on rain and i would expect the same if you head down there today. bundle up. it'll be a cool dame 50s. day. not that warm today. cold tomorrow morning, weekend always in view and then windy, that system dropping in and then develops and strengthens around arizona. that will crank can the wind up for us. it'll be a sunny pattern and they are not warm -- then warmer next week. >> it's 20 minutes before eight. a large protest over police brutality. >> why san francisco police say yesterday's crowds picked the wrong case to fight.
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and san francisco turns to one of its morin superioring members of the world champion giants.
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. stocks are edging higher on wall street. it's back above 14,000 right now. this after a report showed the united states trade deficit narrowed sharply in december. stocks are also boosted by strong earnings reports. the dow up 62. the nasdaq is up 26. the united states justice department is considering a
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lawsuit against moody's for defrauding investors. it's sources say the government could wait until that has worked its way through the courts before taking action against moody. both services accused of inflating the ratings of some mortgage bonds to drive business leading to the subprime meltdown. >> will -- the gains are look for another sweep. pam cook is in studio now with what goes on outside the ballpark. >> reporter: that's right. the giants are asking you to join the team in another big sweep. >> the giants have won it all. playing off the sweep in the world serious they are teaming up with public works to clean up the streets of san francisco. san francisco has been voted one of the dirtiest cities in the country and if you have been there recently or live
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there you know there is a lot of trash on the streets. the mayor is revealing the detail this is morning of his plan to go after the kids, maybe maybe -- maybe they will list listen and want to help. players will go to schools talking about the new anti litter campaign. the chronicle reports that hunter pence will be at lincoln high school in the sunset in one of the first stops. students there have already taken the pledge on the new website. they and you can promise to do things like call 311 if you see unwanted junk, 911 if you see someone tagging, keep the sidewalk clean, don't eat or drink on the buss and trains and live by the motto pack it in, pack out.
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the mayor said if the giants can do a clean sweep why can't we? >> several stars of the giants will meet the news media this morning. they will promote tomorrow's fan fest at a at&t park. it always attracts big crowds as fans get to meet the players, but this year's fest will be bigger than usual since the giants are coming off a world series victory. buster posey, and others will all promote the event tote. event today. >> a power company has final pinpointed the cause of the power outage during the super bowl. it was a faulty relay device.
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the super bowl lost half its power for 34 minutes and brought the game to a halt. the device was tested at earlier events and preformed with no problem. they said that the device has now been removed replacement equipment will be installed. collin kappernick trying to help the pain of losing the super bowl with a new tattoo. he put this picture of it on instagram, it's over his chest done by a san jose artist. he also posted a photograph showing the work in progress. he said that the design represents family, inner strength. we are used to seeing wild car races in the movies but now police are trying to stop real life street racers making movies. there are dozens of videos online where amateurs openly
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war down public roads, their cars going more than a hundred miles an hour, sometimes in the middle of the day. we spoke to one who didn't want to show his face. >> i just want to be the fastest out there. i bring my car out once or twice a week if anything. >> people can if not be injured but killed. >> we are pulling a lot of pieces together to address this problem and reduce it. >> oakland police are considering moves in the crack down that include laying down speed bumps at racing hot spots. we looked at the problem in a special report, if you have an idea for a special report e- mail your tip to i reports at >> more than a hundred demonstrators protested alleged police brutality in san francisco. >> the protest was sparked by this viral video you see
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showing a clash two weeks ago between kevin clark and two san francisco police officers. this was a 24th and mission. police say that the officers acted appropriately to catch clark who they say was assaulting someone on the sidewalk. >> nothing from what i have seen in the video and the rest of the staff, see anything unreasonable. >> well -- um -- >> you were assaulting somebody? is that true? >> i can't -- speak on that -- so -- thank you for --. >> kevin clark is facing two counts of resisting arrest. the protesters want the charges dropped. they also criticize the police department saying they failed to punish the officers involved. >> san jose is considering a plan that could increase the number of corporate jets at the international airport. the airport's director is recommending the city approve a
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deal to build a big new general aviation facility on the western end of the airport. if the plans are approved new tenants would include google's fleet and would be open to other tenants, that could generate three million dollars a year in revenue from rent and fuel taxes. boeing said it'll start test flights of its 787 soon now that the faa has granted permission. they will fly one of the six planes it used for the original tests. the jet maker said it needs to see how the batteries work while in flight. the test flights can only be done over area that are unpopulated. the faa said no passenger flights can resume until the battery problem is fixed. united states airways and american airlines could announce a merger as early as tuesday. american's creditors are scheduled to meet on monday and the board of directors for both
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airlines could meet later that same day. analysts say both would benefit since they have few overlapping routes, the airlines aren't commenting. >> all right. san jose mayor sounds optimistic in his state of the city address. >> this year we are able to balance the budget with no layoffs and start to restore services. >> but he said he may need voters to do one more thing to help the city out. >> just in time for valentine's day. new survey reveals about what you need to do to catch the attention of the opposite sex.
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. in his 7th state of the city address the san jose mayor said despite budget challenges, the city is moving ahead. >> my priority for the coming year will be public safety. as we start to realize more savings for measure b and see
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now revenues the fiscal reform plan, we will hire more police officers. >> the mayor thanked voters for supporting measure b, that was his pension reform measure last year. labor leaders though say his battle with city unions has hurt morale. >> i think he has taken the approach with not only the city workers but community groups that it's his way or the highway. >> the mayor said pension reform alone will not solve all the city's financial problems, he suggested the possibility of going to voters next year with the proposal for a sales tax hike. on the website, we posted more of the mayor's address. go to it, look for the video player right there on the home page. >> just in time for valentine's day which is next thursday. >> i know. i got it. >> a new survey reveals how you can catch the attention of the opposite sex.
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according to, 58% of men say good teeth are the number one thing they judge a woman on. that's followed by good grammer and good hair. the women's list, pretty similar, they want good teeth and grammar but their top three includes nice clothes. >> interesting. >> i think dave you will be all set. >> i hope so. my wife reminded me. i'm there. sal is on time. he knows about the drive and you have been busy. >> we have been. good traffic is also on someone's list today. the bay bridge doesn't have it. you won't be falling in love with it. westbound traffic is backed out because of earlier problems. the carpool lane has improved. would had minor problems.
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from is a crash not causing a big delay. >> it's partly cloudy, going to be a cool and breezy days action temperatures lot of 30s and the coldest air moves in. around noon, there is plenty of -- the two systems are now merging, the very cold one out of the great lakes and the heavy rain in the carolina's beginning to wrap up and come together. had a friend say i'm outo of here, going home and i think a lot of people, i heard the volume on the stock exchange is going down because people are getting out. i can't blame them. most of the showers look to be over gilroy, and then toward monterey. it'll be some rain. a cool breezing day. calm and cold on sunday morning. >> thank you steve.
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it's 7:56. the manhunt for an accused killer still going on. searching for the former police officer threatening to wage war against los angeles police. >> and law enforcement is focusing on its search. >> and dozens of flights canceled and delayed to tell you about at sfo, even a dedicated line to deal with the canceled flights. >2ñlñ@ e@
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. welcome back. >> good morning. i'm favorite clark. topping the news right now. former los angeles police officer accused of a deadly shooting rampage and bent on revenge is still out there. on the loose. it was this time yesterday morning we first told you about him. suspected of shooting three police officers in riverside. he was isn'ted on charges of killing a couple last weekend. a massive manhunt for him stretches all over southern california from the san diego border to big bear. there is word of a search this morning along the san diego coast. we have been on the trail.
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>> reporter: the press conference updating us will be getting underway in an hour. we want to mention that a cell phone call last night triggered a search northeast of san diego where sheriff's deputies remain this morning after someone reported seeing dorner but  authorities finding no sign and if in fact it's a hoax it's a horrible waste of time. roadblocks are up and people barricaded themselves inside their homes last night in big bear. they were told not to open their doors for anyone unless it was law enforcement. the man is considered armed and dangerous. area schools remain in lockdown after his truck was found burning on a forest road. two local ski resorts are closed and waiting to to here -- hear if they will be able to
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open. a winter stormed hit with 50- mile an hour wind gusts. we spoke to one of the people named in the manifesto as well as neighbors. >> it's to close to home. kind of scary. >> we just hope that this whole thing ends, we mayor may not get answers from this man as to why this happened. >> the state is under a tactical alert and the search has new extended to arizona, mexico and nevada where he owns a home near loss vegas. live from the newsroom, ktvu channel 2news. >> all right. police say they mistook a 71- year-old woman delivering newspapers for dorner. detectives shot that woman twice in the back. she is in stable condition this morning. her daughter was also hit by
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broken glass. the women were in a pick um up truck that looked like the suspect's but the lawyer said the truck isn't the same color or model. >> overnight another quake hit the solomon islands, it was a 7.1 and struck 14 miles south of the island off the coast of australia. so far no damage orrin juries have been reported. it comes two days after a quake hit the same area triggering a tsunami that killed five people. the latest one is hurting relief effort. a big storm is turning out to be creating big problems for travelers everywhere. several feet of snow is expected on the northeast coast today. we have just learned amtrak will stop running its trains this afternoon. we are live at sfo with more on how the storm could impact your travel here in the bay area.
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morning. >> we are between terminals two and three and the delays just keep popping up on the boards here. take a look inside terminal three. united has a special line for canceled flights to new york, and philadelphia. you can see dozens of people are in line right now. sfo is reporting 60 canceled flights, 40 are departures. we have talked to a lot of passengers who have had to change their plans. >> i have to go to new jersey. my kids are waiting flight is canceled. my kids were waiting last flight for me to come home but now i'm standing here and waiting what best i can do to reach them. >> object san jose isn't
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reporting any canceled flights or delays just yet but the duty manager expects there will be some. we will continue checking in with all three airport this is morning and let you know of any chances, we want to go out to boston. that's where tori is. the worst is yet to come. >> reporter: the worst is yet to come but this entire area around me in about the past 45 mines it's gone from green grass to being covered with snow and that's only going to continue as we get moderate snow and then during the overnight we are hearing between two and three inches per hour getting to that bench mark of one to three feet. >> i was really tired but i
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would rather get out on time and safety. >> reporter: passengers lining up at northeast airport hoping to get out of town before a monster blizzard gets in. in new york the mayor is optimistic the city can handle whatever comes its wait a minute. >> having it happen overnight is probably as good timing as we could have. >> we are watching as the frigid cold temperatures -- we have a long flight. stay off the streets, stay home. >> reporter: earlier this week the air marks the 35th anniversary of the deadly blizzard of 1978. forecasters say there are some similarities between the historic beast and what is brewing today the outcome will not be quite as dramatic. >> the blizzard in 78 stalled
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for quite a while. this one looks like it may stall but it may be more in the order of 12 to 24 hours. >> reporter: there is been a run on supplies. >> have you to prepare. >> reporter: now with fridges stocked and shovels at the ready everybody is being adviced to go home, hunker down and ride it out. >> the snow fall record is 27.5 inches, that's why a lot of people were referring to the event that we will see over the next 24, 36 hours as being epic, historic and words like that. public transportation, stops this afternoon and then amtrak train service will stop basically in a couple hours. >> live from boston. thank you for the update.
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>> it looks cold. >> stay away from the toll plaza. stay away from the bay bridge. >> reporter: i don't say that often. it's terrible driving from oakland to san francisco. that's because of the earlier motorcycle wreck on the bridge that was cleared. the only thing that's improved is the carpool lane but getting there is slow on 580, on 80 because of all the slow traffic. if you can get there through the carpool lane that's fine. the san mateo bridge is busier. it's a nice way to get across the bay. there is a bit of slowing in san mateo on the bayshore freeway. 1 we have about a 17 minute ride, yesterday was more like
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30, today we have better than usual driving in the santa clara valley the slowest traffic is on the 101 after the capitol expressway. >> thank you. our system is winding down heading out of the picture. get some of the building clouds, could still be a few showers coming down. parts maybe lake county. 680 corridor. maybe toward the north bay. some of those could sneak up. the bulk is heading south fast and then it'll wrap up over arizona on the weekend. it'll be very cold tonight and tomorrow morning. systems, the two -- on twitter the couple of great satellite shots coming across showing the system from space. its going to be a whopper. wet system off the carolina's and then a strong one over the
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great lakes. still a little bit of showers -- 50s on the temperatures t will be a partly sunny, breezy day, maybe garden variety. cold and windy on saturday. then sunny side up because the wind dies down but sun and warmer weather into next week. >> the california coast will get another round of those king tides today. unusually high water levels possible. during the last tides minor flooding was reported in marin. the highest tides expected today will be near coyote creek and near the dunbarton bridge. >> a judge could decide today if the family of a drowning victim can sue the city of
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alameda. the incident on memorial day made national news. raymond zach died on a beach as rescue teams watched from the shore. the police and firefighters said they failed to help him because they were not certified in water rescue operations. a lawyer representing the city called it a tragic situation but he contends they did not have a legal obligation to help. a 30-year-old is recovering serious burns he suffered in an explosion on board his sailboat. it happened in alameda's grand marina. investigators say the man jumped in to the water after the explosion. he was airlifted to the hospital with burns to about 20% of his body. there is no word on what caused the explosion. >> the 18 page manifesto posted by christopher dorner. why he hates the los angeles police. >> and why some big changes
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coming to one of san francisco's most popular restaurants. hello?
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. cool breezy, some shower activity, a lot heading in to central and southern california but it won't be warm today. upper 40o's, low 50s more most of us. time 8:13. facebook said the internet bug to send people from other websites to facebook has been fixed. facebook said it redirected users from third party sites with facebook log ins to the
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main page of facebook. other users say they received a facebook error page. the problem affected twitter, business insider and sound cloud. it took less than an hour to fix it. >> new concerns about the safety of the united states federal reserve. the fed now confirming it was attacked by the hacker group information on super bowl sunday. they say that was possible because of a temporary weakness. private information was taken and then posted on the internet. the fed now said no critical functions were affected. >> the shuffle continues for the president's cabinet. we are live in the washington dc bureau to explain what is happening to the head of the defense department >> reporter: good morning. he goes in for his last day as
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defense secretary. the focus remains on john brennan and if he will be confirmed as cia director. members of the senate intelligence committee led by diane feinstein wanted to know if he agreed the use of waterboarding. he previously said he believed those techniques led to getting information that saved lives. but now he said he opposes it. >> it never should have been employed. >> reporter: he defends the use of drones to attack terror suspects. he said they are uses against threats and not as pay back. democrats cost that he will be confirmed. from could be a vote after that. reporting live in washington.
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>> the president meanwhile is among those scheduled to speak at the farewell ceremony later today. the 74-year-old will be honored for his years of public service. he said he is looking forward to returning to private life on his family's wall nut ranch. the president nominated chuck hagle to replace him but that nomination hasn't been voted on by the senate. >> going back to the continuing coverage of the search for accused gunman christopher dorner. investigators are going over the manifesto he posted on his facebook page. he addressed to america and he called it last resort. he said that he doesn't fear death, because he already died on january 2nd 2009, that is the day he was fired from the la police force. current police consultant bill
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bratton was the police chief. >> lot of police officers get discharged and none of them resort this to this. >> he wrote that the department has not changed from the days of mark furman or the rodney king beating. he criticized both white and minority officers for standing by refusing to change the culture with in the police force. last week he sent a package to cnn anchor anderson cooper with a dvd and a note that reads i never lied. there was also a coin that the chief gives out to people going overseas for military duties, that coin was riddled with bullets. you can read the manifesto on the channel 2 website and in just about 15 minutes we will take you live to los angeles for a update on the continuing
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manhunt. >> new, big changes for a iconic san francisco diner. it'll close for a major overhaul and will reopen as the fog city restaurant. >> its been around for so long. i think it's a great place, a great location. >> two companies raised $130 million last month alone according to the san francisco business times. new relic has $80 million and app dynamics raised 50 million.
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though both monitor the performance of business computer applications and they show companies making a come back. >> honoring african american history in the bay area has taken a unique approach. >> so i said there are so many people that even dr. king admired. >> what her grandson said that inspired her to teach a special history lesson all over her community. >> and we are seeing some blue skies on this friday morning, steve will tell us what to expect eeg. westbound 237. other slow spots ahead. jwwñ
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. a child's quest for knowledge and a grandmother's love have combined to create a one of a kind exhibit in redwood city. the black history museum is open to the public every day from ten until six. the 11,000 square foot exhibit is actually the idea of a kindergartener. it came about when he had to write a paper about a black historian besides dr. martin luther king and said he didn't know any others. that's when she decided to open a museum to educate children in their community. >> we are able to really showcase a lot of the different things that african americans have contributed to this great
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country. >> she said she started her collection knowing that countless african americans had contributed great things to the world. she is the wife of bob hoskins. the museum is located at 282 wood side plaza. >> a science project by a student in antioch is a big hit ono youtube. lauren put a hello kitty doll into a rock and rocket and launched it. in 93,000 feet the balloon burst. it landed in a tree. that video there has been seen more than 83,000 time in just a week. we have to see what sal seeing on interstate 80. it's not good. >> yeah. things are slowing down. i think part of it has to do with the bay bridge. 880 is also slow northbound,
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driving up from downtown oakland. it's still unwinding from the earlier crash on the bridge. let's mov along to the bay bridge. we have a big back up because of the earlier problems. if you are driving in the south bay we have slow traffic on 101. 87 also slow heading north. 8:24, let's go to steve. >> thank you. our system is moving south, central california, monterey south, few scattered showers, partly seasony, partly cloudy, not completely done. about 95% done. it'll really develop over the weekend down toward southern nevada, los angeles and arizona and could be a big system there. speaking of that, the two are merging together. a very cold one out of the great lakes, lot of snow in detroit, wet system coming off north carolina, all coming
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together. there is a -- the big noise -- a heavy snow discussion, about ten paragraphs done. look at everything but this will be a big story over the weekend. there goes our system as it heads south and some of the rain dying down but it'll still pack some cold air and that will continue to work in here today. couple of showers, watsonville, not much down toward monterey but that's getting scattered heading out to the valley and points south. 50s on the temperatures, clearing tonight and cold. now tomorrow will be cold, the wind will crank up and then warmer next week. dry and warmer. >> speaking of the weather the weather may affect the policeman hunt for that accused killer. what's happening now in big bear. >> we are live in san jose where a wanted man who escaped from police custody is back in jail this morning. we will tell you about the tip that helped police get him. . >> and we are live in san
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pablo, violent,, we have new tape in the search.
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. good morning. welcome back. time is 8:28, new, the story of the rearrest of a man who escaped from police handcuffs. he was caught in the south bay, a story we first brought to you at 4:30. we are live in san jose with the tip that helped police recapture anthony sanchez. >> reporter: anthony sanchez was arrested late last night after escaping wearing handcuffs on wednesday
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afternoon. now police source says that someone spotted sanchez still wearing the handcuffs near a convenience store and that tip helped police. now here is a new mug shot of the 32-year-old anthony sanchez taken this morning. officers have been searching for him since wednesday afternoon, police had arrested him for probation violation warrants. the officers were distracted by paperwork and somehow sanchez was able to slip list handcuffs to the front and then he jumped in to an unmarked police von and drove away. sanchez dumped that van and van. nothing was taken from inside. law enforcement sources say that sometime either wednesday night or thursday sanchez was spotted in a stolen red toyota tacoma in the 7-11 parking lot. officers were finally able to capture him at 11:30 when they
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saw him driving just south of willow glenn. we aren't sure if he gave up peacefully but we know that he was booked in to the jail for burglary, vehicle theft, escape action possession of a controlled substance and two arrest warrants. he is now off the streets and rearrested in custody. reporting live. ktvu. >> it's 8:30, police in san p ablo are searching for two dangerous armed robbers. >> reporter: good morning. police believe that the people inside that surveillance video that we will show you are getting more brazen and more violent. it's also a recent robbery from late january. we have been showing it all morning. this was provided late last night. you can seat robbers violently telling the clerk and a
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customer to get down on the ground. this most recent incident happened on wednesday night at a convenience store called the farmer's market in san pablo. police say the robbers took about two thousand dollars in cash and several boxes of cigarettes. police say they are also looking for two asiam men this morning wearing dark clothing who left in a black suv. police say that one of them shot the clerk and a customer in the leg. >> look at clothing, want to start from head to toe, start from the hat, you want to look at the clothing, and shoes obviously also, a good description of the suspects, often times they continue to wear the same clothing and in this case here we have a good video which shows the robbery as it's happening. >> reporter: and police are hoping that video can lead to more leads in this case asking
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for the public's help. the farmer's market is a second location that's been targeted here. the other incident happened on january 27th at a gas station on el portal drive. in that incident three men stormed in, ordered an employee to the floor while the other two took cash and cigarettes and that is the connecting factor in both cases, still not clear if they are formerly connected but police say the mo is that both of them have taken large amounts of cash as well as a large amount of boxes of cigarettes and in this case on wednesday both the victim and the customer and the store employee were taken to a hospital but they are expected to be okay. we are live in san pablo. >> time is now 8:32. because of that massive policeman hunt for an accused killer schools are closed today up in big bear. with the accused killer christopher dorner still on the loose school officials worried. we are live at parker center in downtown los angeles, that's a police headquarters and there is word of a new conference.
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>> reporter: that's right right. we he haven't had a news conference since about 9:00 last night. secondly as you said the weather is getting worse up there so they have grounded the helicopters so they are only doing a search on the ground and with the dogs. that is the focus right now of the manhunt. big bear is about 80 miles east of los angeles, the slopes are open but really people remain barricaded in their homes, the schools remain closed. you have about 120 law enforcement up there right now, going, looking, searching the area where his vehicle used to be. right now we do not know if he is hiding in a cabin somewhere, if he is stuck in the snow somewhere or if he is long gone in another vehicle. now as for dorner he is elapd and exnaval intelligence. he is well armed and well trained and is taking revenge
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on former colleagues. he killed the daughter of the lawyer who represented him against the lapd on sunday. that was monica quan. then he
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. for a çgallon. in san jose çthe average is ç $3.93 ymand in çoakland $3.91. analysts say the çspike is due and refineries nbreducing their witched to a ÷ú summer zvblend. they suspect gas pricncbto level off in the çnext few weeks. ry to get people to ç where they need to ymgo. sal you are going back to çtheç poll plaza, major çproblems. >> ymwe ÷úhave just had becaus it takes howr&ñfor the bridge to v:unwind and we still have tç big back up usually on ça frid ould have light traffic çbut with ÷údon't. it's backed up for a ç30 minut plus çdelay getting onto u!ñ bridge but for the u!carpool lanes. if you want ÷úto think about ÷ú alternates not a bad drive would ymbe the ymsan mateo bridç this one looks all çright.
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and on the mypeninsula, the a traffic here, mysouthbound 101 betge9ñ380 -- about 12 hat bad. if ÷úyou are driving zvhaywood fremont çyou will çlike this. some ta6mwe have more than ÷ú double that, today it's not a bad çday and if you v:are driv in san jose the ÷útraffic here v ettle mydown. 8:37. >> a zvvery ÷úgood morning, pae cloudy, cool, w*áqq-y, there could be ça little hit h . i qji don't çsee anything, five, u!seven, even the 15 çda outlook for us çis quiet. i meq' things aren't looking the system ÷úhad okay çtotals, francisco, ÷úmichael çthe most óne hundredths. oakland, san jose i thinkpúhad c@iñthan a .08 but -- ça tenthç
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of an ingcold already ÷ú÷úto some. 32 çsanta rosa. temperatures 30s çand 40s tonight. (sqp)ing skies and then temperatures will drowpñoff theç table. some of the rain çstill showinç up toward watsonville, monterey! but looks ymlike its pushing htç also central california. we g#are about done áq by the way pif ç÷úç-- if ÷úyo -- you should v:get on twitter because the information çout oç the northeast çis just ç incredible. blizzard cameras ççaction allç all sorts zvof stuff. %+;uát)q'd will be sunny, ÷úwon windy on çsaturday, breezy sunday and then kosunny and warmer most ÷úof next week. >> ç all ç)ight. thank you. the bay area is bringing a çlo ot up to six zvinches and the aremúñcould get another çf inches later to ay.
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now the snow is ymmaking for a ç difficult driving condition, this jña live çlook htçat interstate ç80 in ÷úplacer, chç are required, none zvrequired o highway 50 right now çbut çth could change. i p!out the roads, what ÷úcaltr the çbridges and ymymjutpááhshow. +x#lights affecting all three ÷ area airports, the d8latest whe mornings on ÷ú2 continues. ç my [ mom ] dear chex cereal, i just had to write. you can't imagine how long i've been searching for something like this for my family. i'm amazed you make so many great flavors that are gluten free. my guys are crazy for chocolate chex and honey nut chex. for me, it's cinnamon. it means a lot to be able to give them something that's good for them,
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that also puts smiles on their faces. 'cause i really love those smiles. we're the harris family. and we love chex. [ male announcer ] love chex? connect with us on facebook.
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. we just checked and çlinke in çshares are up ymover 18%. so far çthis zvmorning. after yesterday's closing mybel the networking çsite reported 4th çquarter zvprofit of ç$11 million in ymrevenue zvnearly doubled to v:$3.3 million. +!ñstock sold ÷úfor $45 at ymit ipo in q%may 2011. ca":ça share. s ymat just abov ÷úa billionaire is çsuing apple saying it needs to let ç of its cash. he çsaid that ÷úapple çis yms on $137 ÷úbillion, that's çmas even by ÷úsilicon valley
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standards and it çbreaks çdow about $145 per çshare of ÷úcar its balance sheets and ÷úhe fee that zvmoney belongs to tpeosh holder. he çalso urged investors to voç down a proposal at zvthe yearlyú share holders meeting month çt let zvapple 8stop çissuing preferred stock. >> ÷úlet's go up to date on ç of the other top çstories we  i u$is morning los angeles poli called çoff a çtactical alert accused çkiller christopher triioing he could be 1ñhe could be ç i r' just about nine çç pminu will hear çfrom a çformer classmate. police are busy ç investigating this morning's s death of a u!24-year-old woman who may çhave fallen off ÷úan floor çbalcony in downtown çs jose. happened at ççthe city ymheig complex on west [ápr't jail.
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there is no sign v:of foul ympl the east v:coast, çalready getting snow ÷úand a ymmonster snowstorm is çexpected, affecting @> reporter: there ÷úçymaetherç been zva steady stream of çpeoç dealing çtravel complications. it's affecting flights htin and out of the u!bay area. here is a çlook at termifam three. dozens of people standing zvin dedicated ÷úline for çcanceled flights to new yor,)boston and p philadelphia. right now u!sfo is reporting p6 canceled flights, 47 9i thoç are departures, we are talked to a lot koof passengers this morning who çhave been jugglinú their schedules to deal with ym all the changes. we talked uó one woman who could zvbe the luckiest travel she escaped boston just in the
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ave to get çout before ÷ú÷ú the storm. it was(çcrowded, the airport d8 very çcrowded, lot of people ÷ç as çfull. lot of problem çwith the bags ç but zvi'm ymglad i'm ÷úout. websites showing oakland and san çjose with at ldá one flight each to new io - canceled 3ejujáju other delays and canceled zv i pr)port officials say if are ç you traveling weekend ÷úit's a airline. there could çbe secondary dela in other parts çof the countryç as well. throughout the day. we are v:live v:at mysfo. ktvu channel v:2news. >> it's ç8:46, the pplan çtoç ñfrancisco's tower has stalled and ÷úthere is no ay restart. they çwon approval pymto work
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the çlandmark. he wanted to çsell çcrabs and increase in ko guides htand çmanagers. the public health çdepartment said seafood is not on ymthe li of pitems allowed çto be sold v from çfood carts. caltrans çsaid a review ofú test data shows çcalifornia ÷ú bridges and çoverpasses are zv safe. the sacramento bee çfirst raism questions ymabout the new easte span ÷úof the ÷úbay bridge. the pap9 that led them çto review thousands of bridges ymand over t has revild the data and is [satisfied thç all the çfoundations meet requirements. the giaft" are pitching into clean q%up the streets ofç san franbysco. pam cook has the big from the team and the çmayor this ÷úmorning.
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a new ]icam wayne with ç campú with the words if zvthe giants can have ça clean ÷úsweep, whyç can't we? ñoff the sweep in ÷ú the world series,@ñthe mayor haç teamed up with the u!giants to get the trash ÷úoff ççzvçthe san ÷úfrancisco has been voted one çof the dirtiest in zvthe country. the mayor çwants to ÷úchange t we just ymspoke to rachel gordo about çhow they are going k:d it. >> pit's about actually going up and çcleaning up the street 7ran you can with g#your familym friends, neighborhood groups, it's ak#ñabout going into çthe schools. >> i çthink it's çgreat. the giants çmotivate people. if they@ocan motivate people to make ça change i'm all for myi >> reporter: players will be g# heading out to bschools talking about the ÷únew anti litter ç campaign and that classro' education she ymmentioned that includes what it ákes and what v it costs the city çto clean koç
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litter. now i found çu!-- hunter pence going to be at çlincoln high school in çthe sunset. he could be ÷úout there today because çthey are launching ç% morning. students at lincoln high have taken çthe pledge on çthe new ç website, psf pgiants there you can enter ÷úyour e-ma and çmake the promise to çkee san francisco a zvworld class city. are launching it çthis morning. mñout koand about around zvtown çand lucille als on twitter, going to be zvthere can't see enough çof the çgia winning zvafter last ymweekend' loss. çin the meantime several star çof the ÷úgiants will mee the news çthis morning. i t(÷úfest at ÷úat&t park. rowds where fans can çmeet the playeç and get autographs, this year's is ymexpected to ymbe bigger ç usual since the ÷úgiants had thç
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world myseries çvictory. buster posey, and others ymwill all promote ymthe event. you ÷úcan get zvmore informatio the fan çfest by going to the ç website at >> çtime is now ç8:50. we have bre[kjng news right nowç from florida. report)jof a zvshooting at jdtqi u these çare live ppictures, looç on the roof, çpolice collectin evidence, they rushed nbto the campus çabout 7:20 zvthis morn there çwere reports one personç was shot on the çroof of v:tha university. now you see pwhat we see, ÷úloo at all çthe markers as the zv police investigation takes ym place. we have zvno other details but we get them we will ÷úpass çth onto you. >>í@#ñmember of the 49ers htis tragedy in ymhis family. bowl d while a woman v:from houston ç facing ÷pp)ges of vehicle home received zvthe aunt and çuncle delaney walker were ymkilled in
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the suspect drunk ÷údriving my accident. it çu!happened outside zvof ney orleans. prosecutors have filed felonydú woman for çthe deaths of brianv and alice ÷úyoung. the state police in plouisiana say that she w@c drunk when she ran çinto the zvcouple's car, several çmiles from pthe supery dome. t) alcohol related to a çzvnew ht report. canada researchers found that l deaths caused çby çalcohol inú 2009 zv-- 2002 to 2009 went çy in british çcolumbia when the minimum $i%ñwent ÷úup. a 10% iñrise in the price ÷ú n alcohol related çdeaths. here in the united nbstates the don't zvhave a çminimum price ú for alcohol. >> nine zvminutes before nine therotrail v:of accused killer ú former cop çchristopher dorner
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why ÷úsnow is çhurting the ÷úsç for him. >> çbay bridge finally startiç to show çsigns of2improvement. why çit was so slow. p ym
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california remain on edge txi morning, yma former los angelesm police officer is now ÷úa wante
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un. we are in the newsroom ÷úand weç are ÷úg#about to learn ymmore. are this ç(ress conference we are waiting çto hear ÷úif l enforcement has zvmade progress the ongoing sea@ch could be hurt by a wioder storm with up tv0ynine inches of u!snow and 5- ind bgusts expected. roadblocks up and ympeople therç barricaded themselves inside 3 their homes. they have been told not to çop the zvdoors for anyone unless ç it's çlaw enforcement. more than rain hundred officersp searched for çthe 33-year-old i (jju)qq)ed armed ççand dang schools remain lockdown pafter m doo rner's truck was pfound burning on a f]rest road but two ymlocal ski resort that çw forced çto close early çhave n for business. his former çzvç college zvfri shocked. . >> ÷ú seemed to be the çsame person i knew in çcollege. he did mention to me when çwe
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were talking about that xlpoint in time act four yeara ago he said hñ phad some time of lem that was ongoing çwith the los ÷úangeles zvpolice department. needless to say tje@events of the past couple çdays çcome t the very great ÷úshock to ÷úme. under a tactical alert and v:th mexico and nevada ÷ú where )owns ça home. n expert marks man and ym claims to have explosives çon him zvas well as ÷úa 50 caliberú rifle that can çgo through ç armored carq4jdti rráhq,-girlfr! saying she fears for her life ç and thinks that çthe situation @&c we will keep you upeqted on the website as to çwhat happens at the pre#sóconference and will ú have more information live v:at noon. live çfrom the zvnewsroom. >> ç çthan+a1you. let's go right back toasal. this is not been an hteasy çda
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l drive. >> zvno. the bay bridge has çbeen bad because of ÷úan earlier ym motorcycle wreck. things çimproving, beginning  see signs pof improvement. especially in çthe carpool lan but other ÷úlanes are getting ÷ little better ÷únow. let's go to the çsan mateo úits been ymça good a liting slowing ymin çsan mateo north into çsan çfrancisco. santa cruz mountains northboundç 17 zvnear çlaurel. overturned vehicle traffic a v: let's go ÷úto steve. >> ym cold, partly çcloudy, breezylakpretty good build up some d8of the pclouds, ÷úmaybe isolated çshower or maybe ç thunderstorm. most has pushed q%in to southea and central california, çclear and #g÷úcold tonight. sunny, zvbrisk sunday. warmer nehtdweek. est coast. >> all çright. that's the report for this ym morning. thank you for çtrusting us. we will see çyou the next time news pbreaks. >> and be sure to zvwatch the news at ÷únoon for more on


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